They are small, inconspicuous, and easy to operate and
and have proved invaluable for scientific work in remote areas such as the Sumatran rainforest. Wildlife cameras can provide us with important data on the biodiversity of the orangutan hbitat. See below who blundered into our cleverly placed camera traps last year!
Camera traps in action
Orangutan protection,Rainforest protection
They are small, inconspicuous, and easy to operate and
and have proved invaluable for scientific work in remote areas such as the Sumatran rainforest. Wildlife cameras can provide us with important data on the biodiversity of the orangutan hbitat. See below who blundered into our cleverly placed camera traps last year!
Snapshots triggered by infrared sensors and motion detectors
Around our Mayang research station in the Batang Toru ecosystem, we use camera traps to monitor orangutan behaviour in the wild. The photos are an important source for estimating the size and density of orangutan populations. We also need to understand the biodiversity in their habitat in order to develop effective conservation strategies. That’s why it is always exciting when the pictures from the traps become available and can be analysed. Sometimes real surprises show up. Read for yourself!