Every year more than a million hectares of rainforest fall victim to legal or illegal overexploitation around the world. Orangutans are still losing habitat and remain threatened with extinction. For almost 30 years, we have been fighting directly on the ground to conserve orangutans in Sumatra and protect their habitat, the remaining tropical rainforest, whilst at the same time promoting sustainable livelihoods among surrounding communities.


What we want to achieve

Secure wild orangutan populations and healthy, sustainable ecosystems in Sumatra.


Where we work


What we are doing

Monitoring and research of orangutans

Fighting against illegal wildlife trade

Landscape conservation: Leuser Ecosystem

Landscape conservation: Batang Toru Ecosystem

Landscape conservation: Ulu Masen Ecosystem

Environmental education





«As far as I know, we are the only organisation in the world that is actively establishing new, genetically viable and self sustaining wild populations of a great ape species!»

Dr. Ian Singleton

Senior Advisor


yel logo 4c

YEL is our sister foundation on Sumarta. YEL is responsible for the implementation of all SOCP projects on site. 

The SOCP is operated on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s Directorate General of Natural Resource and Ecosystem Conservation.

Your donation for conservation and environmental education
Free amount CHF
Meine Spende für Umweltbildung, Artenschutz und bedrohte Lebensräume
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on Sumatra

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affected orangutans!